[CEST2017_01023 ] PM10 concentrations, trace elements and sources’ identification in three representative receptors of Western Macedonia, Greece
by Garas S. K., Triantafyllou A. G., Zapsis S., Diamantopoulos Ch., Skordas I. and Bartzis J. G.
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_01237 ] Geometric Structures in mesoscale urban flows
by Halios C.H., Helmis C.G. and Asimakopoulos D.N.
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00498 ] Evaluation of the Version 7 TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42 product over Greece
by Kotsifakis K., Feloni E., Kotroni V. and Baltas E.
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00632 ] Agricultural drought monitoring in Shanxi by using temperature vegetation dryness index
by Yue Qi, Fang Shibo and Wang Runyuan
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00877 ] Air dispersion modelling for the evaluation of population exposure to pollutants emitted by complex areal sources
by Costanzini S., Teggi S., Bigi A., Ghermandi G., Filippini T., Malagola C., Vinceti M. and Nannini R.
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00982 ] The determination of particulate matter pollution in Kaunas city
by Dedele A., Miskinyte A. and Peciura G.
Poster presentation in Atmospheric sciences
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 09:30 to 10:00
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00684 ] Synchronous shifts in outgoing longwave radiation and their interpretation
by Saltykov M., Belolipetsky P., Hari R. E., Reid P. C. and Bartsev S.
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 10:00 to 10:15
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00691 ] Estimating the biogenic non-methane hydrocarbon emissions over Attica
by Dimitropoulou E.V., Assimakopoulos V.D., Fameli K.M, Flocas H.A., Kosmopoulos P., Kazadzis S. and Lagouvardos K.
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 10:15 to 10:30
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00726 ] A staircase signal in the warming of the mid-20th century
by Belolipetsky P.V., Bartsev S.I., Saltykov M.Y. and Reid P.C.
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 10:30 to 10:45
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_01013 ] A conceptual model of abrupt shifts in the biosphere-climate system
by Bartsev S.I., Belolipetsky P.V. and Saltykov M.Y.
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 10:45 to 11:00
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_01339 ] Atmospheric emissions from oil and gas extraction and production in Greece
by Papailias G. and Mavroidis I.
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 11:00 to 11:15
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 11:15 to 11:30
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
[CEST2017_00279 ] SO2 emissions removal in a hollow fiber membrane contactor
by Zhang Z., Chen F. and Zang R.
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 11:30 to 11:45
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences
Session: 29A, Room: B, at Saturday, 11:45 to 12:00
Oral presentation in Atmospheric sciences