University of Antwerp, Belgium...

Heavy metals in the environment

“Do (accumulated) metal levels reflect fresh water community structures? The use of large data sets”

Prof. Dr Lieven Bervoets (PhD in Zoology, Antwerp 1996, University of Antwerp) is a field ecotoxicologist in the research group Sphere (Systemic Physiological and Ecotoxicological Research). His main research topics are the study of the bioavailability and accumulation of metals and organic micropollutants (PCBs, OCPs, PFASs, pesticides) in aquatic organisms under real field conditions. Both macro-invertebrates and fish have been studied. Moreover he is studying ecological relevant endpoints such as community structure in relation to accumulated polutants. Lieven Bervoets published about 150 ISI papers (H index: 37), 9 book hapters, 55 scientific reports, 182 conference contributions (108 oral and 74 posters) and supervised 24 PhD theses and more than 50 master theses.